It’s going to be tough for business and salespeople…
For the past 6 months I’ve been bold calling (physical cold calling). Which is walking into a business cold, leaving your company information with the right person. Following it up a few days later.
We got good at it. The team has secured some great new customers because of it. You see. It creates a warm prospect list for the team to call.
“Hello Janice.” Maddie would say. “Darren visited you on Monday and gave you our money saving brochures about printer technology and internet-based phones”.
“Ah yes”. Janice replied. “I remember him. He’s the little fella”.
The bloody cheek! But I do see the 😂 side.
Being remembered for something is a BIG positive. So, it’s nice to know being small has 1 advantage!
Getting a quality brochure to the right person. So they can feel it. Touch it. Read it. Is a big positive.
But right now. Whilst we grapple with social distancing. Bold calling (physical cold calling) is not the right thing to do.
What to do next…
Steve (our resident fountain of knowledge) may have solved the problem. Turning our solution brochures into virtual flip books and hosting them on a web page.
We just need to email, text, WhatsApp, Linkedin message, Facebook message or even tweet a prospect with the link & they can flip the pages of each book virtually.
It’s works in progress. But you’ll get the idea at https://mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk/brochures/
My question to you is though. Why don’t you try it too?