Think we forget sometimes, we’re just a species that inhabits the world & still learning…
Like the dinosaurs before us. It’s the turn of humans to be custodians of this great planet.
Are we learning from our mistakes & doing a great job?
If I think of the world as 1 big business (as that’s the way my mind works) I’d probably say no.
Yes, we’ve made some major technological advances, improved life expectancy for many & increased the standard of living for billions.
But globally what are we not learning, which our own business teams deliver each & every day. Like:
- How to co-exist together
- Work together to solve problems
- Help someone who’s in need
- Share problems with one another
- Stop fighting between ourselves
- Take responsibility for our own actions
- Know that everybody is the same inside
- Climate change is everyone’s responsibility
I believe. If we could get world governments & the global population to work together (guided by an agreed set of values), many of the planets major problems can be solved. Things like:
- Climate change
- Poverty
- Disease
- Clean water
- Corruption
- Drugs
- Living conditions
- Violence
- Even wars
As business leaders, we expect our teams to work together in a way that benefits everyone. Is to too much to expect governments & the global population to learn that it’s time to do the same?
…yes, it’s a pipe dream. But it’s my pipe dream.