At MY Total Office Solutions, we look for innovative ways to support our local communities…
And the biggest impact we can make within our communities is through charities, as charities are right at the top of the pyramid when it comes to supporting the people around us.
Yes, we’re a small business and we don’t just want to make a one-off splash, it’s continual huge waves of real impact which we want to create.
To create continual waves of financial support across a breadth of charities throughout the communities we serve, takes an increase in profitability for us to realise our goal.
So, how could this be achieved?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been around for years, but recently, due to the climate and cost of living crisis, it now is achieving real momentum and on company agendas.
We’re hearing when companies are bidding for contractual work, the prime contractors are starting to require the companies bidding to have a robust Corporate Social Responsibility program, where they give something back to the communities where they operate and / or serve.
Our challenge was to develop an affordable Corporation Social Responsibility program, which would create a triangle and link companies with charities through office technology and supplies fulfillment.
We’ve created a program that lets charities in Lancashire and Greater Manchester link the companies they relate with to buy their office technology and supplies from us.
In return, we’ll provide the company with the same pricing (or in most cases improved) as they currently pay. But will then pay the charity 10% of all sales in a recurring monthly donation.
As an example,
A charity links 10 new companies to us for office technology and supplies. In total and on average these companies spend a combined £10,000 each month. Which results in a £1,000 recurring monthly donation to the charity.
The more companies a charity links to us, the higher the monthly spend will be and the higher the charities recurring monthly donation will become.
We see this as a win for all 3 parties.
- The companies win as they are cash neutral (may save a little) and have their own corporate social responsibility program.
- The charity wins as they receive a growing monthly recurring donation, based on the number of new companies they link to us for office technology and supplies.
- Although we are giving profits away – we win too – as we are growing through gaining new customers we would never have gained and still making a little profit to boot.
…if you’re a charity wanting to get involved or a company in need of a corporate social responsibility program, please drop an email to darren@mytotalofficesolutions.com