Good day…
Seth Godin has written another best-selling marketing book. ‘This is Marketing’. We’re going to review it today (thanks for the swap Jak Spedding).
In this book Seth sets out how he believes organisations should be using the power of the internet & social media platforms to create & tell honest stories that resonate & spread.
Seth says. Marketing is about creating opportunities for humans to solve their problems & move forward. And the systems available today allow us to spread our ideas in meaningful & connected stories that people would miss if they were gone.
The internet isn’t built around interruption & mass. Like TV & radio. It’s now the largest medium. But can also be the smallest. Large organisations are struggling to understand how the new world works for them, so are still buying traditional adverts.
But you can’t buy attention the same anymore. And this creates an opportunity for small organisations to level the playing field & even get ahead.
But it’s not about paying or spamming. It’s about being creative. It’s about telling stories. It’s about creating ideas that spread. Building your own tribe in your own part of the market.
Seth explains why. It’s time to stop hustling & interrupting. It’s time to stop spamming & pretending. It’s time to stop making average stuff. It’s time to stop begging people to become clients & it’s time to stop looking for shortcuts.
Marketing today is a long game filled with honesty & trust. And it’s time for you to insist on the viable path of helping others become who they seek to become.
I’m a big Seth Godin fan & the book is very thought provoking with some great real-life examples. It’s a little hard to follow & dips back into a couple of his older books. Tribes & Permission Marketing.
And for this reason it drops ½ a star & gets a thumbs up with a 4.5-rating stars from me.
If you’ve got any questions about the book, connect & message me on LinkedIn or drop me an email to darren@mytotalofficesolutions.com
And if you want to catch up with my other business book reviews, watch them online at https://mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk/business-book-reviews or on YouTube.
Thank you for watching. See you next week.