We recently reviewed Anne Williamson’s book (Are You a One Night Stand Business). It’s about customer service through Customer Love…
Treating your customers with Love is Anne’s way of thinking about customer service & Customer Love is something we’ve been pondering ever since.
For us. If Love is missing from our business, we’ll struggle to survive in the future.
We’re on the cusp of a new revolution…
First, we had the industrial revolution where we built machines like tractors, sewing machines & engines, which put 1,000’s out of work.
Then came the information age, where the cleverest of people used their heads & produced new innovations, transforming society & how they interacted.
Strangely we did the same thing again, built machines that could out fox us. Computers & software that could do the work of many & are better than us at thinking.
Now it’s happening again & a revolution of Love in required to survive…
You must Love what you do. Your team must Love what they do. Your customers must love buying from you. You must Love your customers & your community must Love your company ethos.
If you care about your customers. Listen to them. Talk to them. Treat them like friends & I believe your business will boom. Social networks & social media are here to help, so share experiences.
We should be asking. How do we make people love working with us, love buying from us, love telling others about us, love being our suppliers & love it when we do well?
Many industries disappeared in the industrial revolution. Many people lost their profession in the information age & if you’re not careful a similar thing could happen again in the AI economy.
AI fuelling robots & machine learning is upon us. 1 system can out-perform 100 accountants, 100 managers, 100 scientists, 100 taxi drivers & even 100 lawyers. To name but a few.
But what AI can’t do is Love your customers, build unbelievable relationships with your customers, turn customers into life-long friends or make your customers your greatest salespeople.
…are you like us & believe the new revolution should be one of Love?