It’s fantastic when you gain a new customer. You’re on a real high…
But 1 thing that’s hard about turning that prospect into a customer (which many people don’t consider) is losing the prospect.
Yes that’s right. Prospects when they turn into customers can leave you prospect-less
This is why organisations & anyone in sales (that’s most of us, isn’t it?) experience the emotional rollercoaster.
One great month one bad month. One great quarter one bad quarter. From feeling excited, exhilarated, happy to you feeling sad, disappointed, or sometimes even desperate.
We’re no different. Replacing prospects interested in printing & scanning technology is the same.
The challenge for all of us is making sure we treat our prospect lists in the same way as hitting our financial targets.
Why not have a prospect number target too?
It’s true. Not topping up your prospect lists eventually leads to a drop in new clients & a drop in revenues & profit too.
Do the maths. Measure the prospects your working on each month & how many you convert to new clients. Against how many new prospects you develop. And you’ll see the pattern emerging.
Then it’s about making sure you have a process to replace all the prospects that you either turn into clients or drop out of your sales funnel.
Maybe you’ve got a better process for replacing prospects, which your willing to share?