Good day. Nigel Risner is said to be the best speaker in the world. He’s said to excite, challenge & impact the lives of 1,000’s to take immediate action…
Today we’re going to review his book (as covered by Channel 4) ‘The Impact Code’.
Nigel has learned. In order to get more. We need to follow a certain clearly defined path & stick to it.
And after working with 1000’s of people globally. Nigel created a simple process that anyone can follow. He calls it ‘The Impact Code’.
We all have things we’d like to achieve in our lives. Some call them hopes, dreams, goals or even bucket lists. But many of us never truly believe they can all be achieved.
Nigel says you’re wrong. And most things can be achieved by creating positive IMPACT. It sounds very straight forward. But it’s not easy. It takes iron will & determination to make your life different.
Through 6 well thought out stages ‘The Impact Code’ demonstrates how we think is just as important as what we do. But it’s also clear. Thought without action is a pointless waste of life.
Nigel believes anyone can create positive momentum to have an IMPACT on their life. But it means getting off your backside & working hard to start living for yourself, to fulfill your hopes & dreams.
Included is a series of case studies where ordinary people have changed their lives for the better by following Nigel’s 6 stage code. As detailed in the book:
- In the room
- Model from the best
- Passion & purpose
- Action
- Comic relief
- Trust
On reflection (trust me, you need to reflect after reading it) I really enjoyed the book & it’s made me think how I can change aspects of my life too. Yes. It gets a thumbs up & a 5-rating stars.
And ‘I’ll be in the room’ with Nigel soon too. As he’s a speaker at a NEMO group conference I’m attending later this year. I’ll let you know if he lives up to his reputation. No pressure Nigel.
If you’ve got any questions about the book, connect & message me on LinkedIn or drop me an email to
And if you want to catch up with my other business book reviews, watch them online at or subscribe to my YouTube business book review channel.
Thank you for watching & see you next week.