Colour is important when communicating your business message…
As each colour has a different effect on the viewer.
Red most draws the eye.
Although. It’s probably not the main one you want to use, as it donates passion and represents danger, blood or being in the red on your balance sheet.
We chose blue, as it says tried and trusted. Which fits perfectly with our simple honest service approach to business.
Orange says value. Think B&Q. They use orange as studies show it denotes good value.
Green denotes fresh greens from the garden or landscaping and is a great to use if you’re a grocer (think Morrisons) or have a garden maintenance business.
Yellow is seen to be fresh and happy, as it’s associated with the sun. Which is why IKEA use it.
Colour has a huge impact in how people feel about you.
Think about your own business culture and the story you want to tell others.
…then (to project your corporate image) choose a colour that’s best suits you.