Did you know?
Humans remember 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see. But 50% of what we both see & hear.
Information that’s visually illustrated & communicated, has a dramatic & direct impact on the brain.
85% of the information taken into the brain enters through the eyes.
How many images do you think the eyes can process in a single glance?
They recon millions…
With the eyes playing a significant role in the communication process, you’d be crazy not to use visuals every chance you get.
If you ignore including visuals in your sales and marketing campaigns, you may as well deliver them in the dark. Fail to stimulate the eyes and the brain tunes out.
When creating proposals or presentations include pictures of products & other visuals. Even use different colours to highlight important areas of text.
If you’re into doing articles & blogs like me. Make sure you use a decent picture to tell part of the story & if you’re not doing already, get shooting video.
A word of warning about video though. Make sure you include the text transcript too.
…remember the numbers increase to 50% when using both visuals & text together.