George Gilder is one of the worlds leading economic and technological thinkers
When he covers a subject such as ‘the fall of big data and the blockchain economy’ it makes you want to understand his thinking
‘Life after Google’ are his thoughts (backed by knowledge and research) on the future of the internet, and how cryptocurrencies and the blockchain may re-design the landscape
Gilder believes Google has held a monopoly on the internet for too long, and that their free stuff model can’t be sustained in a transparent and transformative blockchain economy
The internet was designed to be free, but Google and to some degree Facebook have created their own secure silo’s where they control people by perceiving they are giving them stuff for free, when in fact they are making them pay through watching adverts.
Gilder calls it the great unbundling which he believes will disperse computing power and commerce, transforming the global economy and the internet
Gilder firmly believes that ‘life after Google’ will happen in his lifetime and he’s 82.
I’ve got to be honest, I had to read it through a couple of times, because some of the content is quite mind blowing, and it took me a while to sort it into context to understand.
That being said. What Gilder says is not out of the question. The blockchain may put an end to conglomerates such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. If we really want it to.
‘Life after Google’ gets a thumbs up and five stars.
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