Here’s part 3 of Stephen Covey’s Think Win Win habit…
Yesterday we covered Win / Lose thinking. But some people are programmed to think the other way. Lose / Win.
Lose / Win is worse than thinking Win / Lose. It’s got no standards. No demands. No expectations. No Vision.
People who think Lose / Win are usually quick to please or appease. They seek strength from popularity or acceptance. They have little courage to express their own feelings and convictions.
In negotiation Lose / Win is seen as giving in. In Leadership it’s being permissive or indulgent. Lose / Win means being too nice and too accommodating.
Many Lose / Win people bury a lot of feelings and unexpressed feelings always bubble away under the surface. Eventually affecting self-esteem and the quality of relationships.
Many executives, managers and even parents swing back and forth from Win / Lose inconsideration to Lose / Win indulgence.
And whilst in Lose / Win mood they get to a point where they can’t stand confusion and lack of structure anymore, swinging them back to Win / Lose.
Until guilt undermines their resolve, driving them back to Lose / Win. After a while anger and frustration kick in again and drive then back to Win / Lose. And the cycle continues.
…thank you for watching. Tune in again tomorrow for Lose / Lose.