Epic adventurer Simon Reeve agrees with us too…
He’s just released a new series called ‘The Americas’. Travelling the whole length of America. Starting from the northern most tip in Alaska.
Last night was episode 3 & Simon travelled through California. Taking in Hollywood. Highlighting the plight of the homeless in Los Angeles & documenting the fight against wildfires.
It also turns out California is home to the tallest trees in the world. The Giant Redwood. Which should be being used a major weapon in the fight against climate change.
Simon Reeve met David Milarch & his team from the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive. Who are working towards a vision of replanting the earth with genetics of the world’s remaining ancient forests.
The Giant Redwood (or Titan) is at the centre of this vision & Archangel are focused on the reforestation of the Redwood Titan (the tallest & widest trees in the world) to reverse the effects of climate change.
Tree’s suck in Carbon Dioxide & breath out oxygen. The Redwood Titan stores much more carbon dioxide that any other tree in the world. It must be used as a major climate change weapon.
Archangel are doing their best to reforest with Redwoods. But like we’ve previously wrote about. It needs world governments to unite & kick start a program of global tree planting.
Scientists say planting billions of trees is by far the biggest & cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. Estimating a global planting program could remove two-thirds of all human made emissions.
Like Simon Reeve & Archangel. We think trees are the answer too & if we plant enough, it can have a massive impact on climate change.
So like Archangel. That’s what we’re doing. Planting trees. But we’re not doing it alone. Our customers are going to help us too.
Every time we agree a new print technology contract, we’ll be planting a tree for that person or organisation. Providing each of them with a certificate to show when & where it was planted.
MY Total Office Solutions provide print technology solutions for families, home workers, small & medium organisations. With specialised products for schools, charities & nurseries.
As part of our campaign, we’re inviting local organisations & schools to help-out too, by planting some trees in their grounds. Don’t worry though, we’ll provide the trees & do the planting.
To nominate an organisation or school to become an authorised tree planting location, contact the team at MY Total Office Solutions on free phone 0800 18 33 800 or email them at info@mytotalofficesolutions.com.
Giant Redwood trees are amazing & must be part of the solution to climate change. But only if world governments unite to plant more of them, instead of chopping them down.
Here’s a few facts about the amazing Giant Redwoods:
- They can live up to 3,000 years
- Some living Redwoods date back to the Roman Empire
- They can grow up to 380 feet tall & up to 35 feet wide
- Redwoods are the largest living organism, by volume, on the planet
- They’re incredibly hardy. Resisting fungal rot & wood-boring beetles
- Each tree can store up to 400 tons of carbon dioxide
- Some Redwoods can grow up to 10 feet a year
- The older they get the faster they grow