Some retailers are taking advantage of the pandemic, such as the pharmacy reportedly charging £19.99 for Calpol & a whopping £9.99 for paracetamol.
So, it refreshing to see a business reducing their prices to help people & organisations is this time of great need.
MY Total Office Solutions (based in Rossendale) specialise in printer & cloud-based telephone technology (among other things) for schools and small to medium organisations.
Quickly recognised a need for an affordable printing, scanning & copying solution for children being home schooled, home working teachers and business with employees set to work from home.
Business owner Darren Turner said. “We developed an affordable home printing solution a few years back for families with school children. And launched a discount scheme to support emergency workers, like the NHS, Police, Fire & our Armed Forces personnel just last year”.
“Our team decided the right thing to do, is to extend our emergency worker discount scheme to include families having to home school, home working teachers and businesses with home workers”.
General Manager Daniel Dixon continued. “During this crisis we’ve committed to supply any family, teacher or home worker with a wireless multifunction printer with unlimited ink cartridges & full support package for just £9.99 a month”.
“Everything’s included. You don’t need to leave your home. We’ll deliver the printer with 2 sets of cartridges & when you need more, we’ll deliver them same or next day for free”.
“We’ve got problems covered too, with free telephone support and a full maintenance package. Just sit back & be certain everything’s in our safe hands”.
Darren concluded. “We worked out, by providing a 20% discount against the normal price, it would make the service affordable to many more people during this critical time”.
“Yes. We need to make money to survive & we’ll make a small profit to help us cover our costs and keep people employed. But it’s much more than that for us”.
“We’re known for providing simple honest service & we have a vision to make office technology solutions affordable for all. Getting through the current crisis is critical to not just the business & education community. To society as a whole”.
“If we can help in some small way, it fits with the culture of our organisation, and my team & I will sleep better at night knowing we’re trying to make a difference”.
“Furthermore. I want to make it crystal clear to people. There’s no long-term contract. It’s a simple rolling monthly agreement for your peace of mind”.
To order call free on 0800 1833800 Monday – Friday, between 9am & 5pm or go to https://mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk/home-printing-discount/ at any time.