It’s time for part 4 of Stephen Covey’s Think Win Win habit…
So, we’ve now covered Win / Win, Win / Lose, Lose / Win and today we’ll cover Lose / Lose.
When 2 determined, stubborn, ego infested people interact, the result will be Lose / Lose.
Both will Lose. Become vindictive and want to get back at the other or at least get even.
An extreme example:
‘In a divorce a husband was directed to sell all his assets and give half of the of the proceeds to his wife. He complied with the court. But sold his £10K car for £50 and his £200K house for £1,000.’
Some people become so centred on an enemy, they become blind to everything except their desire for that person to lose, even if it means being a loser themselves.
Lose / Lose is the philosophy of adversarial conflict. The philosophy of war.
It’s also the philosophy of the highly dependent person without inner direction, who’s miserable and thinks everyone else should be, too. Thinking “If nobody wins being a loser isn’t so bad.”
Tune in tomorrow when we’ll discuss the ‘WIN’ philosophy.
…thank you for watching.