Can you remember just before Apple launched the i-Phone?
All the other big mobile phone manufacterers got hammered in the press, with their stock eventually tanking.
They kinda said. “The markets saturated. We have nothing left to build. Revenue growth will be slow. Margins will begin to tighten. Competition will be fierce”.
A week later Steve Job’s annouces the i-Phone to the 🌍. Which completely re-invented the mobile phone industry.
It wasn’t about adding additional features to an existing solution. Apple completely rethought it all from scratch.
Apple put themselves in the customers shoes. They started with their dreams & then worked the technology out.
It’s a completely different way of doing business, where you don’t allow the past to constrain you. Think outside the box.
I’m always on at our team. Put yourselves in the customers shoes and ask. “What would make them go WOW & engage”
…can you get out your box & follow your customers dreams?