We’re here today with Bernie of Galactic Travels…
‘Bernie would you like to tell everybody what you do?’
‘Hi all. I’m a personal travel consultant & working from home allows me to help you plan your dream holiday at a time which is convenient to you’.
‘We provide a very personalised service working with you before, during & after your holiday. To make sure you have the most fantastic time & best overall experience’.
‘If you would like any help planning & booking your next holiday please connect with me, visit our website at galactictravels.co.uk, email me at bernie@galactictravels.co.uk or call me anytime on 07484 839063’. Concluded Bernie.
‘Thank you Bernie & we assure you Bernie provides a fantastic service. We’ve used Bernie, so have our in-laws & other people we know have too. We highly recommend Bernie & Galactic Travels’.
‘We got involved with Galactic Travels because Bernie wants to provide a very personalised service for her clients. This includes printing off a full travel pack. Including their holiday booking information, itinerary, boarding passes & luggage tags. Along with any vouchers they may require’.
‘But for a small business printing out these packs for each customer was costing Bernie a small fortune in replacement printer cartridges’.
‘So, to help Bernie save around 60% on the printing costs, we’ve provided our home & home business printing service. Infinity.’
‘Bernie no longer has to worry about the price of replacement cartridges or fixing her printer, as it’s all included in the price of just £11.99 a month.
Bernie now has certainty of cost & total peace of mind’.