Yesterday we delivered essential items like printer technology, replacement cartridges, paper, office supplies, catering supplies, workplace solutions (incl toilet roll). To:
- Families home schooling
- Schools looking after key worker children
- Care homes looking after our elderly
- Pharmacies providing us medicines
- Doctors surgeries caring for our health
- Employees home working
- Businesses providing other essential services
- Manufacturing businesses making things
Today we’ll do the same & tomorrow. The day after too. In fact we’ll do this for as long as it takes.
Making sure children get taught. Our elderly get care. Your health is covered & other essential businesses can continue.
Our discounted & agreement free home printing solution is really helping families to home school, teachers at home to set students work and lot’s of businesses who have 1,000’s of employees working from home. It might help you to . Click here for the detail.
Our team are looked after too. Most working from home and others working alone in key designated places.
If you need supplies delivered to your door please contact us by phone, email, through our websites or by social messages:
- Freephone: 0800 1833800 (Mon – Fri. 9 – 5)
- Email: info@mytotalofficesolutions.com
- Corporate website: https://mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk/
- Office supplies ordering website: https://shop.mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mytotalofficesolutions/
- Facebook: @MYTotalOffice
- Twitter: @MYTotalOffice
We’re certain we’ll enjoy good things…
…again soon