Solving complex problems requires an inquiring mind, and a willingness to experiment your way to a fresh solution.
Only engagement can produce this…
The pursuit of engagement has become essential in making your way in today’s economy.
Unfortunately, the modern workplace’s most notable feature may be its disregard for engagement. Instead. Wanting it’s workers to comply, and do particular things in particular ways, without autonomy.
This doesn’t produce engagement or ‘right brain’ thinking.
It produces compliance, with disengaged employees, bored witless by ‘left brain’ instructions.
For organisations to succeed this has to change, with their employees given more autonomy to think.
The present & future environment, will result in slimmed down organisations, with distributed work forces. But organisations will still require to provide the same (or better) products & service with less & distributed employees.
Which is why your employees need to become a team full of autonomous ‘right brain’ thinking people. Where organising give their teams the freedom to think for themselves, work together on problem solving and create new ways of doing.
The transition from a compliance focused organisation to an engaging autonomy led organisation is hard & scary.
We know, we’ve been through it…
We’ve had employees steal from us numerous times, which made it hard to trust people, and stopped us creating an autonomous engaged team.
Changing this was an important element in our business transformation, from a network of retail stores to an office solutions organisation.
Today, we provide home workers and small & medum enterprises with print & scan technology, internet phone systems & laptop bundles. Everything is included in affordable fixed monthly subscriptions with no strings attached.
Over time we’ve worked hard on ourselves and with our employees, with the goal of creating a team who had the freedom to think for themselves and collectively work together for everyone’s benefit.
This in itself has been transformational for both them and us.
No longer is it about control and compliance. It’s about autonomy and engagement. Which has had a truly positive effect on all of us.
Yes. You have to put some scaffolding in place to provide guidance (rules of the game with a defined field of play). But once these are clear and the team understand them. Unclip their wings & watch them fly.
And don’t worry about accountability. You’ll be amazed how accountable they become, when they are engaged and have their own autonomy.
Our culture has flipped 100%. Today we are a self-learning culture, and not a self-blaming one.
In todays world of slimmed down workforce’s and distributed working, engagement is the only way to survive and prosper.
…isn’t it?