Yes, it Christmas special offer time…
Buy 1 of our own brand printer cartridges (ink or toner) & you can buy another 1 of the same for only HALF PRICE (saving 50%)!
And this years special offer is running right up until midnight on 31st December.
Guess what? You can buy as many as you want. So why not save yourself a few quid & stock up now for 2019.
This offer is for home users, business, schools, charities and any other type & size of organisation.
And, as always with all our promotions. It’s available for all existing customers & any new customers too.
We’re not 1 of these organisations who only do a special offer to attract new customers & exclude the existing 1’s (making them feel you don’t love them). We love all our customers, and everyone is included all of the time.
WOW! Free & fast delivery too…
Call us free on 0800 18 33 800 (Mon – Fri, 9 – 5) or order 24/7 on our web-store here