We’ve been thinking how we could help our communities through local charities…
In our office technology and supplies business, we’ve created a charity based CSR program which connects local companies to charities without the need for companies to donate extra cash or goods.
How it works:
The charity refers companies to us for their office technology and supplies needs (which we provide at least at current prices, but in most instances for less).
We then ring fence each company referred by a charity under their charities name, and each month we pay the charity (in a donation) 10% of the combined revenues their referred companies spend with us.
As an example…
If a charity referred 10 companies, and their combined spend is £1000 each month with us, we pay that charity £100 in donations every month.
We see it as a WIN for all 3 parties involved.
- Win for the companies as they have a great CSR program which is costing them nothing.
- Win for the charities as they are gaining lots of extra cash donations to help local communities, and gaining a closer relationship with local business communities
- Win for us as we are gaining customers and still making a small profit, but are also the custodians of a fantastic CSR programme doing great things in our local communities.
…if your involved in a charity and would like to get involved with this initiative, please email daniel@mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk or call Daniel directly on 07814