Shock horror…
Unscrupulous photocopier suppliers are not the only one’s increasing their prices every year just to line their own pockets & hoodwink their customers.
It’s been reported by Which? that British Gas are doing the same with boiler cover.
The same principle applies though. British Gas customers who pay on direct debit, don’t really notice the increase at first. But as the years go by the monthly charges get ridiculous.
One poor guy had his cover increase by 75% before he noticed & pulled the plug. After the 1st year British Gas increased his cover by 31%, the next year by 11.7% & the 3rd year by 19.7%. Unbelievable.
By all accounts British Gas dominate the boiler cover market & according to Which? They’re the most expensive too. With customers paying (on average) £365.00 a year & 17% paying over £500.
When it comes to boiler cover (much like printer technology solutions), peace of mind is the big selling point. 76% of people surveyed by Which? confirmed this is true.
To be fair. Although British Gas are the most expensive. it’s not just them who increase prices year on year. The others do it too.
Policies roll over year after year, prices increase & direct debits continue to be taken. But the policies don’t improve, they stay the same. So, the value for money decreases each year.
Due to this dis-trust. Which? suggest it’s best to quit your policy each year & start afresh. As there shouldn’t be much of a price difference on the new policy against the old one, if nothing’s changed.
We think the boiler cover industry needs shaking up, reforming. Disrupting even. Like we’re doing in the printer & photocopier technology industry.
People need certainty as well as peace of mind. The likes of British Gas should provide a fixed price guarantee for the full period people stay with them.
…just like we do on our printer & photocopier service contracts.