Can you add an affiliate program to your business?
What do I mean?
Do you have a product that another business could sell into their existing customer base on your behalf?
Obviously, they’re not going to do it for nothing, so you’ll have to work out how much cash you can afford to share with them.
If you build websites, you might approach business centre managers and offer them £100 for every tenant who has a website developed by you.
Or, if you fit vehicle tyres, you could approach vehicle repair garages who don’t fit tyres, and offer to do it for their customers, in return for a small share of revenues.
Plumbing businesses could approach electrical contractors (or vice versa) and suggest they work together, and introduce each other into their business customers, with an agreed reward structure.
We do it with office technology and office supplies, where we give our affiliate partners 10% of revenues generated through the companies introduced to us, in a recurring monthly payment model.
It’s a win win for both parties. Your affiliate partner creates an additional revenue stream, and you grow your business.
…the list of possibilities is endless. Why not try it?