Trust is the foundation of real teamwork & long-term customer relationships…
It’s absolutely a critical part of building our team & our customer relationships. In fact, it’s probably the most important.
Great teams don’t hold back with one another. They’re not afraid to speak out. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses & their concerns. Without fear of reprisal from other team members.
Likewise. Great companies don’t hold back with their customers. They treat them like adults. Believing they’d rather hear the truth, even if it’s a difficult conversation.
Great companies with great teams, believe people can handle the truth & don’t ever try to capture business through false claims and misleading information.
The fact is. If team members don’t trust one another. They can’t be the kind of people or company that their customers will trust & they will never achieve the desired results.
…trust is where it starts. If there’s no trust, there’s no team or long-term customer relationships.