Haslingden based MY Total Office Solutions name 8-acre Shawforth field as the nominated planting location for their ‘Plant a Tree’ campaign…
Managing Director, Darren Turner said:
“It’s fantastic news. Out of the blue I was contacted by Pete & Paula Newton who have nominated their 8-acre field as our ‘Plant a Tree’ campaign planting location”.
“It’s wonderful of Pete & Paula to do this. They have a small holding in the hills above Shawforth where they base their control system design business & where they have been renovating the original farmhouse.”
“Growing the business & renovating the house has left no time for Pete & Paula to tend the land. So, it’s great we can lend them a hand with the planting”.
Landowner Pete Newton said:
“When I was small my dream was to live in a secluded house surrounded by trees. Which is 1 of the reasons we bought the small holding.
“We’ve been meaning to plant trees in this field for years. But all our time & effort has been spent growing the business & renovating the farmhouse”.
“So, it’s fantastic that we can help Darren & his team out with a tree planting location. Whilst in return, they realise our dream & surround us with trees”.
Darren concluded:
“It’s a win win for all parties. Pete realises his dream. Paula can finish the house & we have a field for planting 2,500 customers trees”.
Scientists say planting billions of trees is by far the biggest & cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. As trees grow, they absorb & store the carbon dioxide emissions that’s driving global heating.
It’s estimated a global planting program could remove 2/3 of all emissions put into the atmosphere by human activities. Figures described as “mind-blowing”.
Darren is starting this global tree planting program in Lancashire & will plant a tree for every print technology contract agreed with their customers.
MY Total Office Solutions provide print technology solutions for families, home workers, small & medium organisations. Including schools, charities & nurseries.