Been listening to talk radio today whilst doing the school run…
It’s been announced, by the climate change committee, as a population, we need to reduce our meat & dairy intake by a 5th within the next decade.
The reason for this?
Cattle and sheep fart, which produces methane. So, they want to reduce the animal numbers, which in theory, will reduce methane amounts.
But there’s a slight issue, which the scientists haven’t thought about?
Reducing cattle and sheep numbers will result in spare farming land being given back to wildlife or even turned into woodland.
Which will result in an increase in deer & other species numbers, who fart & produce methane too.
I’m no scientist, but this will minimise the impact this move has on climate change, won’t it?
Surely a better way, is for us to get back to a mend & reuse society, which will vastly reduce the need for fossil fuels, new materials & the energy required in the manufacturing process,
Our business has been built on a mend & reuse philosophy, many of our solutions are based around refurbished print & scan technology and refurbished PC’s & laptops.
All the technology equipment we use is fit for purpose & covered by a lifetime agreement guarantee.
But it does 2 things…
Saves the customer a load of money & massively reduces carbon emissions, as new equipment hasn’t been manufactured & shipped halfway round the world.
…surely this has got to be a better way than stopping farts?