Our business transformation was hard & expensive…
But we’ve always had a dream (when we got financially stable enough) to financially help our team.
Yes. We pay them a fair salary. But for me, it’s got to be more than this.
They should also share in our future business success, as they help create it.
They’re the real people behind our business transformation, market leading office solutions & fantastic customer service.
Last year that dream became a reality 🤗
We built the team a profit share scheme, where 20% of any quarterly nett profits would be split equally between them.
10% to be paid out following each quarter, with the remaining 10% to be compiled and paid out in December, to help fund Christmas.
Any remaining profits will pay down debts (we still have many from the business transformation) & be reinvested back into the business to help fuel further growth.
Unfortunately, we were just building momentum, and the pandemic struck.
Since then (and as you can imagine) we’ve been losing money, rather than making it.
But we won’t be deterred, business is slowly returning, and profitability will come again soon.
…and when it does, our profit share dream will begin again.