There only 1 higher expression than Win / Win…
…and that’s. ‘No Deal’.
‘No Deal’ basically means:
If we can’t find a solution that benefits us both, we agree to disagree and walk away.
No expectations have been created and no performance contract established.
We don’t take on an assignment or project together because, it’s obvious our goals are going in the opposite directions.
When you have ‘No Deal’ as an option in your mind, you feel liberated.
Because you have no need to manipulate people or push your own agenda, to drive for what you want.
With ‘No Deal’ as an option you can honestly say:
‘I only want to go for Win / Win. But. If we can’t win together it’s best, we just walk away.’
It’s better not to deal, than live with a decision that wasn’t right for both parties.
Then maybe another time (on a different project) you might be able to get together and both win.
Out of the 6 Think Win Win philosophies, which is best?
…tune is tomorrow for the answer.