In business having a positive mindset can overcome immovable objects…
Let me tell you a true story.
‘Since 1886 elite runners had been trying to break the 4-minute mile, but eventually resigned themselves to believe it was impossible.
Then a Swedish runner (Gunder Hagg) came close in 1945 clocking 4.01. Yet elite runners & the media still believed it was impossible, making it stay this way for another 9 years.
Until Roger Bannister (a doctor) broke the barrier with a time of 3 minutes 59.4 seconds in Oxford.
Just a month later Australian John Landly smashed Bannister’s time, recording 3 minutes 58 seconds.
The mental barrier held by elite runners had been broken, and since it’s been broken 100’s of times, with the current record standing at 3 minutes 43.13 seconds’.
The moral of the story?
Bannister has a positive mindset, believing someone would break the barrier, and he believed his unique training methods would enable him to be the one to do it.
Each of us have our own 4-minute mile within us, and we shouldn’t believe the naysayers who preach things can’t be done
We need to create a positive mindset where we believe in our capabilities and cast aside all self-doubt, to make the seemingly impossible possible.
We did this when transforming from a network of retail stores into an office technology business.
…have belief you can do it too.