If you spend your money on producing great products you won’t need to advertise…
As your customers will connect with each other & do it for you.
But most people produce safe products. Products that don’t excite. Products that don’t change the status que. Making them spend loads on advertising.
Infinity (our home & home business managed print service) makes a difference & disrupts a market.
It saves people loads of cash & makes home printing super convenient with the latest free printer, fast unlimited replacement cartridges, fixed price guarantees & support if anything does go wrong.
We very rarely pay to advertise this service…
Instead, we ask our existing Infinity customers to advertise it to their family & friends.
Because Infinity helps them, they’re happy to oblige & in return, we provide them with a month’s free service for each new customer they create.
Amazingly, we’ve had some Infinity customers who’ve had a year free, as they’ve brought us 12 new Infinity customers.
…great products that make a difference & disrupt a market, can sell themselves.