We’re OPEN with free delivery throughout lockdown & beyond…
Because it’s essential we deliver service, office technology & supplies to critical business, organisations & people who need to keep the wheels turning.
Such as:
✔ Schools & nurseries
✔ Doctors & dentists
✔ Care homes, charities & support centres
✔ Home workers & home schoolers
✔ The elderly & those isolating
✔ Any other business, organisation or person who need us
We’ll be out every-day delivering, home & office printers, internet phones, laptop bundles, office furniture, printer cartridges, stationery & other workplace products.
Yes, it’s difficult to maintain great delivery service during these turbulent times, and like many, we’re experiencing mishaps from our suppliers too.
But we promise you, we’ll do our very best to deliver the service & products you require direct to your door, as soon as we possibly can, and with a 😊.
Call free on 0800 1833800 (Monday – Friday, 9-5), email us at info@mytotalofficesolutions.com or order on our website 24/7 at https://mytotalofficesolutions.co.uk
If you prefer social media please contact us via:
(image: Alpha Stock Images – http://alphastockimages.com)