Have you ever heard of an evangelist?
Most people would assume it is was someone preaching about faith & religion. In fact. If you look it up. This is the meaning that most would attach to it too.
An evangelist for me though. Is someone who believes so strongly in a subject, product or service. They freely try to convince others to adopt it, buy it or use it.
I remember years back. Cheshire County Council was 1 of the customers I looked after & continuously helped with supporting their IT systems.
They loved IBM. Who we had an excellent relationship. Somehow, I managed to get their top technology evangelist to perform a demonstration in their historic council chambers.
He brought all types of weird & wonderful gizmos. But it was his passion for IBM & their products which was so overwhelming & infectious. That’s what I call an evangelist.
I’ve tried to learn from that experience. Making sure we develop new products to excite our team enough, they’ll evangelize about the benefits they bring to our customers.
Furthermore. If you make sure the product leaves your customer with real measurable benefits after you’ve gone. They’re likely to become evangelists for you too.
Take our small organisation managed print service (MY Print Service). It provides small organisations with certainty of cost & total peace of mind. Our team love envangilising to our customers about it.
And do you know what. When we’ve gone. Our customers evangelise about it to others too. Because certainty of cost & total peace of mind is a constant benefit they receive.
Products that get your team evangelising about them are fantastic. Only beaten by products that turn your customers into an evangelist too.