It can be easy & comfortable to get bogged down in planning & preparation…
Some would like to create an annual marketing campaign, write a long-term business plan or design & launch a new product. But never get around to the execution.
Feeling unsure & not ready can trap you in the loop of dreaming, researching & planning. Which is just another form of procrastination.
Most of the goals & activities you want to achieve in 2020, ultra-detailed planning is not required. You need to get out of your comfort zone & have the courage to execute them early.
The most important thing of making it happen, is the getting started. Don’t worry about the middle or planning for the end. Get started first, otherwise it’s unlikely to happen.
When you try to plan the whole goal or activity it can become daunting, making you feel indecisive or even frozen with fear. Instead execute & then manage any changes one step at a time.
Each step allows you to see what’s worked or not worked, allowing you to quickly change or add things as you progress. You can’t do this without executing early in the process.
When we develop a new office technology solution, we have 5 checks before launch:
- Does it solve a problem
- Is the price fair, reasonable & affordable
- Can we charge monthly & make upfront charges low or zero
- Does the price include everything for peace of mind
- Can we fix the monthly price to provide certainty
Then we launch & if required, tweak the product at later stages, once we start to receive real feedback from our early adopters.
We’ve got 2 new office technology solutions planned for next year. 1’s pretty much ready to launch in January. But the other has only passed 1, 4 & 5 & still needs to pass 2 & 3 before launch.
Same goes with our annual marketing campaign. We’ve developed it based on what worked for us last year & stopped doing what didn’t work. And we’ll tweak it throughout the year if things change.
Is it time for you to hit the launch button and stop dreaming, researching & planning?