Bloody hell! It’s like ground hog day…
Guess what?
Well. Our customers have only gone & planted another 39 trees.
Yes. That’s right!
Last month our customers planted 48 trees and this month they’ve followed it up with a very respectable 39.
Well done customers. Thank you!
You get your very own tree planted for taking out any printer technology or internet phone agreement. To aid the fight against deforestation and climate change.
To be honest. Most of them are for home schooling & home working printer packages.
You know the 1…
Pay just £9.99 a month & rent the printer with unlimited replacement cartridges and a lifetime warranty. No strings attached:
I was here until 7 last night printing & posting the certificates, showing where the tree’s are planted.
Don’t forget, we’ve got safe package to deliver technology, office supplies and workplace products, due to the key people and organisations we need to support. Like:
- charities
- family’s home schooling
- homeworkers
- adult support organisations
- children support organisations
- doctors
- pharmacies
- care homes
- schools
- all other businesses & organisations
Need help?
Know someone else who needs help?
Contact us:
- freephone: 0800 1833800
- email:
- website: