Ahh, to have the life of a top footballer like Cristiano Ronaldo…
Wouldn’t it be bliss?
Train for half of each day and play 2 games a week. Then be free to do what ever you want and never worry about not having enough money.
I’m sure most of us know it’s not quite this simple…
Besides needing some natural skill and ability. It takes years of hard work, persistence and dedication to even be remotely good.
And even when you reach the top, the worlds best players don’t stop practising.
You’ve heard the stories of Cristiano Ronaldo (whether you like him or not) haven’t you?
He dedicates his life to looking after his body & football. And even though he is now a football god. He is still 1 of the last players to leave the training pitch.
He’s reigned in England, he’s reigned in Spain, and now he wants to reign in Italy too. In a quest to be recognised as the best footballer to play in the worlds three top football leagues.
Ronaldo is obsessive. And it’s not just about wanting to be the world’s best player either…
He wants to leave a legacy. He wants to be remembered in history. He wants to be remembered as 1 of the greatest football players that ever lived.
And unbelievable, it’s not really about the money for him either.
Ronaldo is clever. He knows. As he achieves the levels required to gain his ultimate goal. The money will come. The money simply becomes a byproduct of his recognised skill & ability.
For me. Building a successful business is a bit like this too…
OK you don’t have to do push ups, sprints and practise your dribbling. But it takes years of hard work, persistence and dedication to be able to grow your business in a profitable and sustainable way.
And just like football it also takes skill and ability.
On the training pitch, this is gained from the amount of extra practise you decide to put in.
And in business this is gained from reading business & life books, studying relevant blogs, listening to audio CD’s and e-books, discussing ideas with mentors and seeking the help of specific business coaches.
In our business we do all these things. And they are shaping us, into a business which helps small organisations gain the certainty and peace of mind they are seeking for their print solutions, telephone systems and office supplies.
But just like Cristiano Ronaldo, we’re not finished yet. We’re on a quest (goal) too. To be globally recognised as the leading experts who help small organisations solve their office solution problems. Through certainty of cost & certainty of service which leads to your total peace of mind.
And for us too, it’s not about the money. As we know. The money is a byproduct of achieving our goal.
If we help enough small organisations solve their office solution problems. We will become a successful globally recognised profitable organisation.
Cristiano Ronaldo looks like he’s going to achieve his goal. And with hard work persistence & dedication we’ll achieve ours too. But how are you going to achieve yours?