Here’s why you should choose a partner wisely…
4 years ago we innovated & created a new service.
The idea was to disrupt the photocopier industry, because it had a bad reputation for hoodwinking people.
With hidden price rises, undisclosed extra charges, fresh air financing, unbreakable long-term contacts & high financial penalties if you did try to leave.
We decided to provide lease free refurbished photocopiers, with fixed price guarantees for printing and on simple rolling monthly agreements.
Back then we didn’t have any photocopier engineers, so had to choose a partner to provide technical services. Whilst we both shared the generated revenues.
Everything seemed great. Customers were happy as they had peace of mind.
And we were both growing our respective businesses.
Then out of the blue. A letter from our partner. We’re putting your prices up. What?
Exactly the thing we wanted to stop happening.
When questioned. They said:
‘We do this once or twice a year to all our customers & your no different’.
We couldn’t believe it.
Which meant our customers prices would have to go up too, if we allowed it to happen.
Obviously, it was the end of the partnership.
Buying 60 refurbished photocopiers, we spent the next month swapping out the old equipment for our own technology.
We’ve never looked back!
…and our customers have never had a price increase.