Does the word ‘virtue’ make you feel uneasy?
It shouldn’t do, as it means having high moral standards. But maybe this has been somewhat missing in recent business culture and society.
Although it didn’t make Benjamin Franklin feel uneasy. In 1728 aged just 22 he undertook ‘the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection.’
He wanted to live without committing any fault. He wanted to conquer all that natural inclination, custom and tradition, and do away with the company of others who might lead him to do wrong.
This was a tough gig, even for Benjamin Franklin, as he discovered it was no easy task. Bad habits and wayward inclinations continued to lead him astray.
Deciding that the whole was too much to take on at once, he broke it down into a series of challenges to overcome, and when each eventually formed a habit, he moved onto the next.
Today, Franklin’s 13 virtues have legendary status, but shouldn’t they still be an aspiration for us?
In business the landscape has changed, gone are the days where organisations can tie people into long term contracts with one sided terms, where prices rise annually without any recourse.
Certainly, for us, business is about honesty, trust, building long term relationships, and developing a playing field where both the customer and supplier can win together.
…we think Benjamin Franklin was wise well beyond his years, don’t you?