When I was in my late teens, I was small and skinny, a stiff breeze would have knocked me over…
Although I couldn’t do much about being small (still am), I could do something about being skinny.
So, I joined the local gym.
I was in awe of the perfectly toned bodies lifting heavy weights and didn’t know where to start.
A young lady called Sarah took pity on me. She noticed I seemed discouraged and embarrassed being around what seemed a superior species.
Sarah watched me struggle to bench press 20KG, came over and said: “Don’t worry, you’ve got to start somewhere, it’s about taking small steps.”
“Your best friend needs to be the 1kg plates, each week add an extra 1kg to each side of the bench press bar, and it won’t be long before you’re toned like the rest of us.”
Sarah was right, after lifting the bars weight for a week it became easy and allowed me to add an additional 2kg each week, and soon a toned body appeared.
It was a great lesson, and one I’ve even taken into business too, by targeting our office technology solutions team to improve 1% in the service they provide each week.
…over 12-months this equates to a 52% improvement in the service we provide.